Perfect Charging

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Perfect Charging

About  Fronius UK

Fronius reception

At Fronius UK, we are committed to providing charging solutions that present a real cost saving to the customer. With our innovative “Ri” charging concept, we guarantee to save forklift truck owners up to 30% on their energy costs. Whether it be a single charging point or complete charging room that you are looking for, Fronius can offer a solution that is best suited to your needs.

Our Milton Keynes head office serves the UK & Ireland markets in both high quality traction and starter battery charging products and the team are constantly on hand to assist you in making the right choice for your battery charging needs.

Ross Adams, UK & Ireland Sales Manager

“At Fronius, it’s not just about selling battery chargers, it’s about making sure we provide the right charging solution for the customer that has the ability to grow with them, meeting their charging needs for today and in the future.” 

Fronius PC, Ross Adams