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Home owners

Increase your savings by using more of your solar energy

Save even more with your solar system

With an increased self-consumption rate you will lower your energy bills considerably: 

  • 25% self-consumption: savings up to $850* per year
  • 75% self-consumption: savings up to $1,450* per year

What is self-consumption?

The proportion of self-generated solar energy that is used in the household, not including the amount that is fed back to the grid. 

 How do I increase my self-consumption rate?

The answer is simple: Use Fronius solutions for intelligent energy management. By monitoring and controlling your PV system you ensure maximum consumption of your self-generated solar energy.

Fronius solutions

Go through our solutions and find out, how you can use even more of your own solar energy.

Benefits of Energy Management

More savings and independence

  • Buying power from the grid is expensive and solar energy that is fed back to the grid does not provide significant returns. In order to increase your savings, you want to use as much of your solar energy as possible. 

Your Fronius inverter = an energy management expert

  • The inbuilt energy management options of your Fronius inverter are designed to make the most efficient use of the solar energy generated on your rooftop. Switching electrical loads on and off automatically for example, makes a big difference to your self-consumption rate.
  • Your Fronius inverter is a communication powerhouse, providing flexibility when integrating smart solutions to the PV system. A range of Fronius as well as 3rd party products can be retrofitted to your PV system to increase your self-consumption thus saving you more money in the long term.
Interested? Get in touch with us

Tips to further increase your self-consumption

Run high-consumption devices during the day

  • Fronius Solar.web provides insights on when your solar system is at peak production level. Based on the data, you can modify your consumption pattern and run your domestic appliances (washing machine, dryer or dishwasher) during that time.
  • To ensure the appliance operates using your PV-generated electricity (depending on the size of your system and the amount of electric power the appliance draw), you may choose to operate one appliance at one time.

Do your gardening on solar electricity

  • Gardens require most work during spring to autumn and that’s when solar power yields the most. Run your electric lawn mowers, hedge trimmers and lighting off solar power.

Setting timer on appliances

  • Setting timer on appliances to ensure that your appliances run during the day. Many modern appliances have built in timer to delay the start of your device which means your device will run automatically when your solar system is at peak production.
  • Hot water is one of the biggest consumers of energy heating. On average 50 litres of hot water is required for a single shower. Having a timer on electric hot water to start heating when surplus solar energy is available, you are storing the surplus energy in form of hot water rather than feeding it back to the grid. You can consider additional devices such as the Fronius Ohmpilot for hot water management.
  • Activate your pool pump by setting on/off threshold. If the power produced is more than the set power,  the relay output will activate your pool pump.

*calculations based on a system size of 5kW, average annual production of 7,300kWh/year, feed-in-tariff of 7c/kWh and energy cost of 25c/kWh from the grid


Contact your system installer

Check your PV system records for your installer’s contact details.

Your system installer will advise you on how to increase your self-consumption rate and maximize your savings.

or submit a general inquiry

If you have a general inquiry contact the Fronius Australia Team.
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