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Installers & partners

What is community solar and why is it important?


2/16/2022 / US
As Solar Power World reported, community solar policy got the green light in many states in early January, presenting an exciting opportunity for solar installers.
Solar plant. Photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash

Many customers remain without access to the many benefits of solar energy or the ability to install their system onsite.

For example, a property owner may have unsuitable roof space, an old roof needing replacement shortly, or too much shading. Similarly, millions of tenants or renters lack the permission to install a solar system at their home or business.

Community solar provides equitable access to clean and affordable solar energy to anyone and everyone who wants it. By participating in community solar, someone unable to install solar on site can still get its benefits. 


How does it work?

Community Solar works by allowing multiple individuals, groups, or businesses to own a portion or subscribe to the output of a single solar facility located offsite. 

Community solar projects can improve the resiliency of the electric grid and provide a predictable, safe and clean source of energy.


How can installers get involved in community solar?
  • Connect with local community solar providers.
  • Submit your proposals for the next community solar installation.
  • Contact us to learn more about our product portfolio for community solar.

How does Fronius support community solar projects?

We offer a unique product line that serves various forms of community solar projects:

  • Symo Advanced inverter line - flexible size, high-power 208V versions, three-phase.
  • Primo inverter line - largest single-phase inverter on the market.
  • Modern string inverter technology for highest performance and reliability.

Get in touch for a free consultation.



Solar Power World Online: Community solar policy green light many states

Solar reviews blog: Community solar vs home solar

Wood Mackenzie News, Opinion: US Community solar market will bring 4.5 GWDC online in the next five years

See Wood Mackenzie's community solar forecast graph below.