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Why Installers Choose the Symo Advanced Inverter for Commercial Projects

Commercial and industrial rooftop installations come in many different sizes and no project is the same. Therefore, an inverter that is flexible and can adapt to the specific needs of any project is key for your projects. This article explains how the Fronius Symo Advanced three-phase inverter provides you with the features you need for these projects and why installers make this inverter their preferred choice:


Commercial rooftops can be difficult to access - think of narrow stair, steep ladders, or tight roof doors. Renting aerial lifts can be expensive and requires a lot of organization. On the other hand, using solar equipment that is light-weight and easy to carry, like the Fronius Symo Advanced, can eliminate the need for a lift, especially when the inverter is truly field-serviceable. In a service case, instead of replacing the full inverter, you just go up on the roof to exchange a small spare part that you simply carry up in a backpack. This saves you both time and money.

Mounting inverters right next to the array on a commercial rooftop is a popular approach. The fact that you can mount the Fronius Symo Advanced inverter completely flat (zero tilt) on the roof makes this approach especially easy. No extra mounting racks are needed.


A compact string inverter provides the right amount of flexibility, while keeping the number of components in the system and installation times low. Commercial rooftops usually have multiple architectural obstructions, impacting design and cost of solar system installation, such as HVAC units, chimneys, setbacks or pathways. Another scenario is buildings with a more complex architecture that requires more sub-arrays or different orientations. A compact power class allows for distributed placement of inverters and offers enough MPP trackers throughout the system - leading to efficient conduit and conductor management as well as simple and fast installation.

The Fronius Symo Advanced with power classes from 10 to 24 kW, including 208V and 480V AC versions of up to 15 kW, provide this scalability for maximum flexibility.


To allow for customer choice, the Fronius Symo Advanced comes with a Power Line Communications (PLC) transmitter based on the "SunSpec Communication Signal for Rapid Shutdown" standard. This ecosystem of open-source solutions for NEC 2017 compliance includes participants like APS, JMTHY, Midnite Solar, Stäubli, Zerun, or Texas Instruments.

For easy integration with 3rd party monitoring systems, Fronius offers SunSpec Modbus RTU and TCP interfaces that are capable of simultaneous connection to 3rd party monitoring systems and the Fronius Solar.web platform. The interfaces also include Fronius Smart Meter compatibility to monitor energy consumption along with production data.

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