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Solar Energy
Instalatorzy i partnerzy

System fotowoltaiczny na wielospadowym dachu

07.07.2020 / France, Malviès

Winnica chłodzi wino energią z instalacji PV

Właściciele winnicy „La Louvière” na południu Francji wykorzystują energię fotowoltaiczną do chłodzenia wina i utrzymywania go w idealnej temperaturze. Przy temperaturach rosnących latem do +40°C zapotrzebowanie energetyczne winnicy jest bardzo wysokie. Zainstalowany na dachu system fotowoltaiczny o mocy 100 kWp pozwala na pokrycie dużego procenta tego zapotrzebowania z własnej produkcji.

A PV system despite challenging roof orientations

Fronius System Partner Jean-Marc Panizza installed the PV system on seven different roofs at the vineyard, oriented towards three points of the compass. Despite this unusual configuration however, the Superflex Design of the Fronius Symo inverter means that optimum yields are still generated.


The SuperFlex Design allows for flexibility in system planning

The three different roof orientations of the PV system at the vineyard demanded a high level of flexibility in terms of the inverter. The two MPP trackers allow far greater flexibility in how the Fronius Symo inverters are used. The Dynamic Peak Manager means that, even in partially shaded conditions, as is often the case with this type of system, there is no loss of yield. The Dynamic Peak Manager is a shading-tolerant MPP tracking algorithm that does away with the need for a power optimiser in many cases.


Installer Jean-Marc Panizza says about the installation conditions: "The roof-situation at the winery was quite challenging. Here we have 7 different roofs in 3 orientations. We used the Fronius Symo inverter to fix that problem. Thanks to its Superflex design such an installation is possible and the system owner still earns the highest yields. The Fronius technology made is possible, that I could do the installation alone. This helped me to save on installation costs.” More information on the Fronius Symo inverters


Maximum flexibility in planning

Bertrand Moulaire, Sales Manager at Fronius France, comments: “The Superflex Design of the Fronius Symo inverter allowed the installer absolute flexibility in planning the system. The high system voltage at 1,000 volts and broad input voltage range allows installers to add residual modules, for example. As this system shows, different roof orientations do not present a problem.”


Easy inverter installation saves on costs

The Fronius Symo is very easy to install and also wins when it comes to servicing. PC board replacement technology means Jean-Marc Panizza can carry out a technical service at just one visit, helping to keep long-term costs down. Not only that, Fronius inverters are maintenance-free, again shortening the pay-back time for the system.

Info box:

  • System size: approx. 100 kWp
  • Fronius products: 8 Fronius Symo inverters
  • Special feature: Installation on 7 different roofs, 3 different points of the compass, 3 different types of roof structure

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