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Perfect Welding

Become The Expert - Integrating With Fronius


Learn how a Fronius power supply and advanced processes can reduce your client's long terms costs through by using less consumables, speeding up their processes and much more!   

Become the Expert of Fronius Integration

Date 2020-09-29
Duration Every 3 weeks Starting September 29 @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 Eastern
Language English
Costs Free
Date fully booked

What to Expect?

At the end of the Webinar series, you will be an expert in integrating with Fronius. You will be able to identify where certain applications can greatly reduce your customers total cost of ownership over the life of the solution you provide. You will learn how our power sources and processes can make your customer's operations more efficient, through a reduction in consumables, increase in speed, efficiency and much more.     

You will also increase your efficiency! Equipped with the knowledge of Fronius processes and power sources, you will be albe to quote faster, reduce setup times and decrease turnaround times.  

Some of the things we will be covering:

The TPS/i

Our Processes 

Robotic Interfaces

Torch Configuration

Automated Cleaning Devices

High Performance systems


More details below:

Areas of Focus

TPS/i Overview

At the end of this module, you will have an understanding of the unique features of the TPS/i platform and how they can benefit your customers.

Intro to the TPS/i platform

  • Configuration overview
  • Brief Process review

TPS/i Processes

At the end of this module, you will be able to identify the right process for your customer's needs.  

A Detailed rundown of the different processes including:

  • Low Spatter Control
  • Pulse Mutli-Control
  • PMC Mix / Mix Drive / Ripple Drive
  • Cold Metal Transfer
  • CMT Cycle Step / Marking / Pin
  • Aluminum welding

Robotic Interfaces

At the end of this module, you will understand how Fronius power supply communicates and works alongside all major robot manufacturers. 

  • WeldCom 2.0
  • ABB Ethernet IP
  • Fanuc 1.0
  • Kuka EtherCat

TPS/i Torch selection

Learn the situations where water cooling may be worth the extra initial cost, but save your customer money over the life of the solution. 

Automated Cleaning Devices

At the end of this module, you will be able to recommend products which allow for massive cost savings through automated torch replacement, contactless cleaning and much more. 

  • Torch exchange Devices
  • Contactless cleaning Automated weld seam detection and robotic assistance (WireSense)

High Performance Systems

At the end of this module, you will be able to identify projects which might require highly complex and/or high powered solutions.

  • TPS600/i
  • Tandem Wire Solutions
  • Laser Hybrid