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Installers & partners

GEN24 Plus with new features, 19. April 2022

Webinar Advanced

Date fully booked

We are constantly developing our products and solutions to meet the latest requirements from network operators, country-specific standards and customer requests. In this webinar we present the latest improvements of GEN24 series. Our experts go into detail on the latest features and topics. Feel free to ask our experts your questions via live chat during the entire webinar.


/ New safety features

/ Latest Firmware update


Date 19/04/2022
Address Online
Duration 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM CET
Language English
Max. Attendees 1000
Costs Free of charge
Date fully booked

Your contact person

Solar Energy Training Team

+44 (0)1908 512 300
+44 (0)1908 512 300 ci-genvavat-hx@sebavhf.pbz