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Perfect Charging

Digital User manuals for Selectiva Battery chargers

Whether you are our customer or a service technician, with our digital user manuals you can find the exact information you need, anytime and anywhere. 
Besides product information and technical data there is also an overview about device and display settings. Also data about our charger accessories can be found. Thanks to our digitised user manuals you can easily access them with your smartphone, tablet or PC. 

Digital user manual Selectiva 4.0 2kW & 3kW


Selectiva 4.0 2kW

 Selectiva 4.0 3kW

More informations and downloads regarding Selectiva 4.0 can be found here:

Digital user manual Selectiva 4.0 8kW, 16kW & 18kW


Selectiva 4.0 8kW
 2100 4140
 2120 4160
 2140 4185
 2160 8040
 2180 8060
 2200 8075
 2225 8090
4060 8110
 Selectiva 4.0 16kW
 4120  8140
 4140  8160
 4160  8180
 4210  8210

 Selectiva 4.0 18kW

More informations and downloads regarding Selectiva 4.0 can be found here:

Digital User manual Selectiva 4.0 30kW

 Selectiva 4.0 30kW

More informations and downloads regarding Selectiva 4.0 can be found here:

Selectiva 4.0 - Simply Smarter

With the Selectiva 4.0 charger family, Fronius offers one of the most efficient and advanced solutions on the market for charging lead-acid batteries.Benefit from our innovative battery charging solutions which not only reduces costs, energy usage and CO2 savings, but also offers our customers sustainablebenefits.Whether you are interested in lithium-ion technology or Charge & Connect,the Selectiva 4.0 is ready for your future challenges too.
Product information Selectiva 4.0

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