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Perfect Charging

How to reduce the maintenance costs of your lead-acid batteries


12/2/2020 / Wels
Lead-acid batteries are still one of the most common energy supplies for electric industrial trucks. However, in order to function reliably and remain efficient, they must be regularly serviced. In the following we show you how Fronius charging technology can reduce your maintenance work and costs.

When charging lead-acid batteries, chemical reactions lead to gassing: the water inside the battery is electrolysed to hydrogen and oxygen. The electrolysis produces oxyhydrogen - that is not only explosive, but can also cause contamination on the surface of the battery. The innovative Fronius Ri-charging process reduces overcharging of the battery. As a result, the development of gas is much lower as in conventional charging- and thus the contamination is reduced.Your benefits: less effort for cleaning and maintenance of the batteries and therefore also lower costs.

Another important cost factor in maintaining lead-acid batteries is the continuous refilling of battery water. If the battery runs dry, it can lead to permanent damage, ranging from a loss of capacity to the destruction of the battery. Here, too, you can profit from the innovative Fronius Ri-charging process. It reduces the normal water consumption of your battery by up to 40%. This helps to reduce your complexity and time while minimising your manual maintenance efforts.Your benefits: less complexity and lower handling-time while minimising your maintenance complexity. 

Another possibility to reduce maintenance costs is to install an “external start / stop” option.Improper termination of the charging process can cause harm to the charging plugs as it can burn the contacts. In order to reduce the costs for new plugs and to increase the safety, Fronius offers an “external start / stop” option, where the charging process is automatically ended before the plug is disconnected.  This prevents burn from the contacts and not only lowers your maintenance costs, but also increases your efficiency and safety.Your benefits: lower maintenance costs, higher safety and availability of your forklift fleet.