When charging lead-acid batteries, chemical reactions lead to gassing: the water inside the battery is electrolysed to hydrogen and oxygen. The electrolysis produces oxyhydrogen - that is not only explosive, but can also cause contamination on the surface of the battery. The innovative Fronius Ri-charging process reduces overcharging of the battery. As a result, the development of gas is much lower as in conventional charging- and thus the contamination is reduced.Your benefits: less effort for cleaning and maintenance of the batteries and therefore also lower costs.
Another important cost factor in maintaining lead-acid batteries is the continuous refilling of battery water. If the battery runs dry, it can lead to permanent damage, ranging from a loss of capacity to the destruction of the battery. Here, too, you can profit from the innovative Fronius Ri-charging process. It reduces the normal water consumption of your battery by up to 40%. This helps to reduce your complexity and time while minimising your manual maintenance efforts.Your benefits: less complexity and lower handling-time while minimising your maintenance complexity.